Discover Pandav Shila, the Janjheli Valley’s Historical Gem

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In Janjheli Valley, Pandavashila, also known as Pandav Shila or Pandav Sheela, is a well-known tourist destination. This location, which bears the Pandavas’ name from the Mahabharata epic, is very important both historically and religiously. This is the site of the amazing sight, known as Pandavashila, of a massive rock perched on another. Numerous fascinating tales revolve around this particular rock.

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In one version, the Pandavas stayed the night here during their exile. They left behind a cannabis bowl (chilam), which has now grown into the big rock that we see today, when they left early the following morning.

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Another amazing story describes how the locals begged the Pandavas to rescue them from a dangerous demon that was plaguing the region. In response to their plea, Bhima, one of the Pandavas, used this massive boulder to defeat the demon.gopal singh thakur worshiping pandav sheela in janjehli 1723095763

The fact that the rock at Pandavashila can be moved with just one finger is what makes it so enchanted for tourists. Many visitors from throughout the world gather here to wish. This location has a peculiar custom whereby individuals toss little stones onto the rock. It is thought that their wish will come true if the stone remains on the rock. Should it come off, the wish is still unfulfilled.a person trying to pull pandavshila in janjehli 1723095767

Witnessing a natural wonder is not the only thing that makes visiting Pandavashila worthwhile; you should also immerse yourself in the many myths and customs that surround this unique location.

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Images courtesy of professional Indian boxer Gopal Singh Thakur

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